NMT Activity & Special Event Requests
All events taking place on NMT campus or in any NMT-owned building are required to submit an NMT Activity & Special Event request form. This form provides authorization for the location of the event and also provides notice to campus police that the activity will be taking place. This applies to both indoor and outdoor events that take place on campus. This form ensures that the event meets the parameters and requirements of the NMT Facility Protocol for Special Events in addition to other NMT policies and procedures. It is recommended that requesters check the Calendars to ensure that the intended event location/date/time is not already taken or blacked-out.
Events will be scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis during dates that are not blacked-out. Sandi Lucero will primarily coordinate alumni-related 49er's and Spring Fling activities. The Student Activities Board Director (SAB), in conjunction with the SGA, will coordinate the student-related 49er's and Spring Fling activities.
Event Request Process
Click here for pdf with clickable links
1. Submit the online request form: NMT Activity & Special Event Request Form.
- If the event will be recurring on a regular basis (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc), include the day(s) of the week and time(s) and the date you intend to start holding these recurring events.
2. Submit any addition rental forms that may apply.
- Multicultural House Rental Form. It is recommended that this form be submitted immediately along with the NMT Activity & Special Event request form due to the extended processing time. View the Usage Guidelines for Multicultural House Use.
- SAC Rental Form. It is recommended that this form be submitted immediately along with the NMT Activity & Special Event request form due to the extended processing time. View the Policies for SAC Use.
Updated SAC policy as of 8/15/24:
SAC reservations will not be confirmed until the club is verified as in good standing by the SGA. Single-event reservations must be submitted 30 days prior and will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. SAC repetitive reservations can only be made one month at a time and requests can only be initiated from the 25th of the previous month. These requests will be first-come, first-serve. The corresponding NMT Activity & Special Event request form for SAC events must also be submitted monthly. The SGA has a hold on Tuesdays. If a club would like to host an event on Fridays or Saturdays a request in writing must be made to the SGA Vice President (sga.vp@npe.lcsgxgy.com) for consideration. If the SGA approves they will notify Auxiliary Services and the event will be scheduled.
- Fidel Atrium Table Use Agreement. Four (4) tables are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Fidel Atrium is an open-use space for students, but priority use of tables will go towards events with an approved reservation for the space.
- Swim Center Facility Rental Form. This is a PDF that you will need to fill out and submit to Melissa Begay.
Note: Black-out dates occur during 49er's and Spring Fling for the SAC, Fidel Atrium, and Macey Center. The SGA is given first priority for events at these locations. If black-out dates are not utilized by the SGA, second priority will go to sanctioned student groups in good standing.
3. Once all rental forms are submitted and approved, a confirmation email will be sent from nmtevents@npe.lcsgxgy.com to the email address address listed on the form. If the request is for a club event, the official club email will be included. Any other departments, organizations, and/or clubs that need to be notified of the event will be CC'd on the confirmation email.
Note: Events are not to be advertised before a confirmation email has been sent. If advertisements are posted for a pending event request, the primary contact may be asked to remove them.
4. It is the responsibility of students and/or clubs hosting an approved event to add the event to the official NMT EVENT CALENDAR. Any location that uses a Google Calendar to track its events will automatically add your approved event to the respective Google Calendar. Calendars for classrooms can be found on ACT's website.
5. Set-up any accommodations for your event, such as catering, custodial services, etc. See the Accommodations Guide for more information. Submit a catering waiver if planning to use non NMT Dining services.
Location Calendars
This is not an exhaustive list.